Genie Solar Energy makes it simple. Our dedicated commercial energy solutions experts work for our customers to provide reliable, affordable, and renewable solutions with great long-term savings and a quick ROI. Every system is designed for each application, dependent upon your rooftop size, condition and shading. The design takes advantage of optimum efficiency and effective tax credits. Genie Solar Energy offers a number of standard and unique solutions to maximize the solar output.
We start by understanding your goals, learning about your energy consumption, and determining possible sites for a solar energy installation.
With that data, Genie Solar’s experts configure a preliminary installation plan.
Next, we work with regional sources and present our recommendation to you.
Once you are happy with the project plan, Genie Solar will help you determine the best financing option available for your company.
Genie Solar coordinates with the local utility to obtain approval. Each locality has different permitting processes; we navigate those and begin installation.
The system is turned on and your benefits begin!
But Genie Solar doesn’t stop there. We’re a big company, but our relationships are personal. We are only a phone call away should you need support.
The Details:
Genie Solar Energy, LLC (GSE) is backed by publicly-traded Genie Energy, Ltd (NYSE: GNE). With an extensive history in the energy industry and a balance sheet to support our customers, commercial customers can rest assured that we will be a solar partner in the long-term.
Having helped hundreds of thousands of customers with energy supply choices since 2004, Genie Energy’s management team has over a hundred years of combined experience in all aspects of the energy supply chain As a publicly traded company, our balance sheet supports the ability to back large scale projects. Our customers can rest assured that we will be here in 15, 20, and 30 plus years from now.
Through Genie Energy’s commercial services division, we have a team of energy experts at your disposal. Prism Solar, a USA bi-facial solar manufacture, Diversegy, a commercial energy consulting firm, plus our own staff engineering section with a deep background in energy storage, we understand energy from end to end.
Genie Solar Energy reviews any existing energy supply contracts to understand the impact of solar may have on an existing agreement. Diversegy, a sister company and commercial energy advisor, has relationships with all the top suppliers in the country. It is important to ensure going solar will not incur fees due to material change language in a contract. In addition, your existing supplier may not support a net meter, also impacting your agreement.